G--- What size shoe do you wear?
Father --- (with a shocking look... he knows what I am getting at?)... a... size 9
G---- (With a shocking look... NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO) size 9?
Father --- 9 1/2... on one foot a 10 on the other
G--- (He isn't joking?... A nine...)
Moment of silence.....
G--- You are kind of tall for a 9 shoe ( He's got to be joking... but Jay Leno doesn't have big feet... and he is still SEA BISCUIT)
. I had the worst salad ever... with beets and beans... gross... pleasant conversations... going nice..
He wants to go to the movies but doesn't' see anything he likes... I suggest Religious by Mill Maher...
during this religious movie... um... we started making out... interesting... no one was in the theater... okay... then
(Place Episode of Seinfeld)
Jerry --- How did the date go?
Elane--- (cleaning her glasses... sits on the couch and says)... He took it out
Jerry --- He took it out?
Elaine--- He took (breathing on the glasses... ) ha ha... it out
Yepper... people he took it out...
(another episode of Seinfeld)
Newman---- Your son was making out during Schindler's List
Parents--- No... not Jerry... during Schindler's List?
Yepper... I made out during Religuous... what ever you think happened... you are right... AHHHHHHHHHHHHH
I'm on my way home... it's about 4.30 PM
PK--- Are we still going to see Ivan...
(he sounded kind of down)
G--- Sure...(Ahhhhhhhhh)
We go
about 8 different kinds of soup... he says he doesn't like the bisque ( NO SOUP FOR YOU)
the store is announcing please check out... by this time we are the only ones in the store...
G--- Come on the store is closing ... they manager guy is looking at us
PK--- We are in the store and they can't kick us out...
Finally we go through the register... and I am heading out the door... the security guards are out side... and PK... turns to the right... and sits in the eating area...
G--- This place is closed ... it's after 10?
PK---- Are you always going to nag... we are costumers and they will be here for another hour cleaning up and stuff...
He has Clam Chowder, Lamb Stew, Gelato ( Ice cream type of stuff) and a tray of two bite brownies
Okay Fightn' Mad Mary... knows how this guy eats... military or just out of jail style..
he is humorous... I watch him dunk his brownies into his soup...
he takes forever... they turn back on the lights because clearly we are not leaving ...
after that we go to Starbucks...
PK tells me about a girl that he loved... a Flip (his words)... the got along well until the family intervened....
kind of sad... they talked about marriage... and the last he heard from her was 5 months ago... they were together last holidays...
He wants to come in ... once again... it's late like 2AM...
PK--- You sleepy
G--- (Yeah go home)... yes...
Yada yada yada... he says why don't you do me first then I will put on a condom... yada yada yada... he goes to SLEEP! I GET NOTHING!!!! just bad breath
3.40 AM... he wakes up and leaves...
I wasn't sad... but I know that this is goodbye... I tried to justify everything else ... but he had it good... didn't have to take me anywhere... didn't have to buy me anything... just show up... I wanted some company... what a waste of SIZE 12 shoe...
AHHHHHHHHHH Size 12 I say...
(moment of silence)
Remember... Size doesn't matter... it really doesn't
Third day at the house and I am starting to get cabin fever, but have gotten stuff done...rearranged furniture & stuff, made MANY calls, setting up the two days appointments/test for Jim in December at M.D. Anderson, some preps. for holidays, wash, etc.
We're going next door for dinner with some neighbors tonight. Events here at SC are over by 9:00 and the streets are clear of cars. We're in the first/oldest neighborhood built and so...the oldest residents. It's a very peaceful and safe community and I feel soooo blessed. Many here are widowers/widows and feel safe because everyone is here 24/7 unless traveling and we look after each other. We have clubs, events, a wonderful fitness center, pools, and golf. We used to be more involved, but Jim's health comes first and he is getting a little better each day.
Well, that's my story here. So you're still seeing PK/Virgin. I've said my say. And Father...where's Mother? Not dead Mom....boy's Mom? He's probably too good to be true. Go slow. Hate to rain on the parade.
Obama's election has changed LOTS...and internationally. I hope he will be a good President. Can't think of a harder time to take office. We must ALL keep him, his family, and his cabinet in our daily prayers for success and safety.
Just HAVE FUN GG and keep those who love you closed. They are the ones who care...FMM, Leslie, Paria, the elderly neighbor, the two older guys, and MOST of all...your sweet Mom. They are the ones to listen to and who will tell the truth.
MD... Hey!
Still moving furniture...
Good that Jim is getting better... YEAH!
Well PK... I was just trying to make that work... just gonna make that work but... too much work...
he is something else...
I asked him why he started talking to me at the Tonight Show... and basicaly... He thought I could get him hooked up with Jay...
(side order of stupid please)
it's all good... new Robert... eh... nice... very nice guy... no going fast..er...
Thanks MD
Take care..
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