Do I not have any shame... This man is almost dead! I can't help myself... I have fallen into the pits of Jungle Fever... Help somebody!
This is Tonio... Doesn't he look like Johnny Deep... he is an awesome musician and loves reading stuff about The Air Cars... cute and into saving the world... I love Pirates...
Phone call from sister...
D-- I am going to have to get a better job and move out... ( oh really at 32 you want to move out)
G -- Okay... I will call her... (ahhhh) Talk to afterwhat else are you up to today?
D-- Are you going to call her?
G- yes... umm I blogged Alec Baldwin... I have been getting all kinds of hits on You Tube...
.... .... I will call her now okay...
D ... (Click)
G--- Mom... how are you feeling...
Mommy .... I am so happy that you are such a good daughter ( yeah... I haven't come to Florida.. during a time that you were going through Cancer treatment... yep... I am a great daughter)
Mommy--- Do you think your sister would take out the garbage?... Do you think that she even say hello mom... how are you doing... can I get you a glass of water...
She doesn't pay one bill , I have never asked her for money... well how is Jay Leno?
G--- He is great... he is always great... how are you...
Mommy--- I did some of your poems at church and that went well...
G--- Did De go?
Mommy--- No ... you know your sister
G--- Mom does your car alarm go off sometimes late at night or early in the morning?
Mommy--- When I think someone could be outside... I mash the alarm... I never know when D is home.. so that's what I do... One day when you rich and famous you can get a better alarm system..
G--- yeah mommy... ( don't tear up GloZell.. I just don't know about this mom sister situation it get to me) I will do just that..
G--- Why don't you just make De pay rent , like 300 dollars or something?
Mommy--- she won't even get me a clean glass of water... you think she is going to pay rent?
G--- look stop asking her do to stuff that you can do for yourself like getting a glass of water... Mom She hates you... she hates me... I don't know why you just don't get that... She hates us... she wants us to die! She hates us! If we died she would fall out at our funeral and put on a great show... do 4 songs and be happy!
Mommy--- Yeah I know she hates me... I know... but that's my daughter and that's your sister...Jesus wouldn't want us to hate her or punish her... he had brothers...
GloZell--- Jesus not only left the house.. He left the EARTH at 30...
Mommy--- GloZell...
GloZell--- I just don't think that God/ Jesus want us to be stupid... but... whatever I am going to the Tonight show and I am so happy the funniest guy Russell Brand is on... Got to go... Love you and I will talk to De okay... Don't worry... you have to take care of yourself...
Mommy--- you are such a good daughter
(I do think I am way too high on the pedestal in my mothers life... but.. never mind I got to get ready...) ---
G--- Hey De... She turns on the alarm to keep things safe late at night... so that's that... I got to go to
D--- I know to go see stupid Jay Leno... don't you see the looser you are everyday ... god you are just like your mother... click
Okay (sniff sniff) You guys better be funny! Oh Monday time for Headlines... Yes!
I don't know how Jay does it... never late... never missed a day... always friendly...-----
Okay... I ended up... having a great day... Thanks to BarI, Wolfman, The Tonight Show with Jay Leno... staff and crew!
Must see show... Russell Brand is flawless... I would love to marry him and have his Bi-Racial, Bi-sexual children... love love love him... I love Russell Brand!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(sorry I said Amiee Crow)
In Line:
The Two BarI
Why do these people have Lawn Chairs in the Tonight Show Line?
A young couple took video of Max...
Your mom is a SAINT. Nothing like to love of a mother. I know that you already know that NO ONE loves you like a MOTHER. I hope DeOnzelle realizes this never know.
Must really be some bad blood/anger, but your Mom looks pretty young and she WILL survive her cancer!!!
You have a wonderful day at The Tonight Show. My husband, Jim, and I will be watching. Headline News is a favorite of ours...and the animals.
I always look for you at the start of the show and during the audience sequences. Keep the mean alot to us readers!!
Marilyn De
Hey Glozell it's me Dornell...glad to see that u are still doing well...tell your mom I said and the kids are good ...Dornell Jr is graduating and going to high school in the fall...take care and GOD bless
You know, my beloved cousin passed away today from cancer today. He was a gifted soul, but he also could drive you crazy at times...a very strong artist temperament. But we all loved him just the same...he was a real giant of a man.
Family is family. Honor your mother and father and your days will be long, so it says. We all get on each other's nerves sometimes, but your sister's attitude and words are beyond the pale. For shame. I will pray for her soul...she just sounds really miserable.
Thanks for all you do! You bring a lot of light and color into the world! Don't let anyone tell you different!! I, as always, I will keep your mother in my prayers. Seems like such a sweet soul! :)
also, on a lighted note--i replied to you on Friday's blog. just so you don't miss it...
Yikes, forgive the typos. I meant on a more "light-hearted" note
Aw... Thanks Marilyn De...
I just don't get what's the problem...
My sister ... I think that my sister is making my mother sick...
Headlines is the best! You are so kind... I was way down... I can't be to upset with my sister becuase she is the one there...
But... I don't know... changing the subject...
I had a great day at the Tonight Show... the line is magical... you never know what people are going through and you just have to have a great time... you just have to...
Thanks so much for your kind words...
I truly need them... thanks so much...
I think of you often... I really thought of you today... did I ever mention anything about feeling like a guy...
I wasn't sure if I ever did...
Hey... I will tell my mother you said hi... That will make her day...
Dornell J. is graduating high school! What!
Man I know he is such a handsome young man... always has been...
I hope that you and the whole family is doing well...
I got lost by your sisters place two weeks ago....
and I got lost by your mothers house last week...
I guess when I am lost... I think of your that's all the time...
So good to hear from you...
Your number changed?
Some of the kids always asked about the kids...
Take care.. always...
I finally had to let Al go...
he is nuts... ( remember him... asian... little guy)
Love you always Dornell
Melinda... so sorry about your cousin...
My mother is a Saint...
I was thinking on the way home... that maybe there is something that happened to my sister that I don't know about...
I keep saying that I am going to give up on the three of us...
My sister is so kind to her friends... you wouldnt believe that she is the same person when she is around my mother and myself... sorry don't mean to talk about myself when your cousin passed away...
were you close?... what kind of cancer...
I rebuke cancer in the name of Jesus... it is running everywhere...
Something is in the water, and food... has to be...
Thanks for your prayers, and kind words...
Hey Glo...thanks...I will always love u as well....1 question....what's up with all the wigs? ur still just took me by surprise....if u would ever like to contact me...send me a email.. backwest95@yahoo...i will send my # to u...
Peace & Blessings
Great... I will contact you...
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