Her coach is dying. This is the last time Green eyes will she her coach who really meant a lot to so many... clearly.
Green eyes told the man next to her... "Don't mind me... I will be crying this whole trip"
(I was thinking with my head down about Haiti and this coach and life. Then I asked in my head what am I doing with my life . Am I on the right road... who wants to waste time with time is so short)
Just then the man next to the green eyed lady started talking about The Seth Books.... and Abraham. Ester and Jerry Hicks. It was uplifting to green eyes. We all ended up joking and having a great time on the plane.
I know that helped us all... we really had a good time.
Green Eyes taught me that children are here to teach the parents and if parents knew that... less fighting in the home.
The Man Professor S. taught me how to do sudoku and gave me homework. Do the puzzles that came on our U.S. Airways magazine.
I hope to see you both again Ms. L (Green eyes) and Prof. S
I often wonder about the wonderful people I meet in such a short time on a plane.
I wish them all much success, wealth and happiness.
MD Visited ME
When MD and her sister Jean was here ( MD reads my blog everyday for the last 2 years and she came to visit)
Mary got us tickets to the Dearly Departed tour
Life is short for everyone so enjoy life!
I think you are hilarious and I love your videos/blog, but I feel obligated to say, Go Noles!
ANNA! GO NOLES!!!!!!!!!!!! GO NOLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Are you mad woman....IT'S GATORS BABY ALL THE WAY.
Thanks Anna LoL
I love the pictures and commentary :)
Thank you Anonymous
It WAS a GREAT tour/day! We visited during great sunny/warm weather too!
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