My braid fell out while I was exercising in the Tonight Show line before the show! That braid was about two dollars!
Thank you, Roy Pessis for giving me great advice for my blog!
In line, I met a great family from Baton Rouge, Louisiana. They got a picture with Jay!
By the way, Bob, the warm up comedienne. I met your friends, and told them, how to get to Guest Relations. They are a nice couple. I thought the only people you knew, were strippers!
Jack, the number one camera guy, wasn’t at work today, and neither was Andy, AKA "the Hair" the on stage security guard. You are a part of GloZell’s, ghetto, NBC tour. I need you to tell me when you are not going to be here, do you understand me!?
In the Ice cold studio, I sat next to Angelo Michael Luzzi, a handsome Italian guy from Rhode Island, New York. Angelo, said I was just as pretty as Robin, who is Howard Stern’s side kick… thanks, I think. Angelo got a picture with Jay also, but he really wanted to see the TV pop up from behind the couch. Oh, and thanks for the "Tonight Show" socks… You catch ‘em, I’ll keep ‘em.
Anthony Hopkins who is handsome, and strange. Anthony is Welsh, and turned down a part playing a Brit. He didn’t think he would be convincing enough. Yo, Anthony do you remember the movie "The Human Stain" where you played a black man? Thought I forgot about that piece of mess. Still love ya!
Rose McGowan. Over all, she was very sexy. My first thought was that her breasts look bigger in photos and her leg are skinny. Angelo M. Luzzi, said she was perfect. Her dress was green and it hugged her tight. Rose’s hair and make-up was beautifully done.
Good Charlotte was the musical guest. They were great! I am impressed with the set designer who creates the set for all of the musical guest on the show, great job!
People audition for me all the time. ( Like I can get them on the show, I can't get myself on the show) At least Charity gave me a headshot. Well here's a few head shot tips. Get it airbrushed! I see crow's feet girlfriend, and you are young. I can tell you are wearing a padded bra. These things should be brushed out. Don't crop off the top of your head. High School stuff don't count unless you were in the movie "High School the Musical". Take it off. Don't give up or give in. Meet you at the top!
Remember, to be the first say hello… you may meet a friend for life….
LoVe Ya,
GLO I LOVE THE BRAIDS! i'm glad you were able to get your pics on here! YAY!
Hi GloZell:
Enjoyed meeting you today at the Tonight Show. You are a down to earth sister with her act together. Love your blog page. Send an email so I can send the pics. See you in the near future, God willing. Take care.
James F.
Hey Boo! I love hearing from you! Has your cuz had your babies for you yet? Did the eggs take. I think about you guys all of the time! Can't wait to find out more!Thanks for keeping in touch. I still don't know how to put up pictures someone else does it for me when she can. i don't even have a camera. I know Boo I need to get it together. I will some day soon.
Love Ya,
Hey James, I have been talking about you all day! You have messed up my black male bashing! There is hope for the sisters who are still holding on.
Hold on my sisters!, James is a commming!Of course God willing, he wants you to learn all you can from me!
Hi GloZell,
You certainly are The Queen Of Jay Leno blogs. I am starting to read this daily.
A little jealous of Jamie Lee Curtis are you? It's ironic that the day before my parents and I went to the show, we saw the two muder houses from one of my favorite movies of all time Halloween.....right in the middle of Beverly Hills. And just probably two blocks away was Jay Leno's home! GREATN now I'm jealous (I want a house in Beverly Hills)!
We are expected to have snow in Upstate New York (getting more jealous of Beverly Hills).
Did I misspell corrospondent and misspell?
Hi GloZell. We finally made it back to Baton Rouge to check out your web site. You truly gave us a memorable experience while waiting to get in to see Jay. Thanks for the tips on getting a picture...and the front row was just as you said it would be. Please keep in touch. We feel like we made a friend in LA.
Dan we are friends for life. I think you are so funny! Thank you for blogging on twice! You crack me up! I want a house in Beverly Hills also. My e-mail is so please send me pictures. Tell your mom and dad hi for me.
Don't get caught in the snow!
Hi GloZell ;-)
Love all the GREEN!
Yes, it's been too long since I've stopped by here.
I hope all is well. You're sure lookin' good... Tho I took a moment of silence for the little braid mishap (sad face).
Hugs, Lynn (Herstory)
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Lynn Pritchett, Tucson AZ
"Suite101" online magazine writer:
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