At 8:00 AM, I met the most beautiful happy baby Piper and parents. A picture doesn’t do that baby justice. She was truly an amazing baby. She stares and smiles at you. Perfect child.

Frankenstein and his mother Tavia from California, Karen and Amy from Grand Rapids Michigan.


Henry Archibald the mechanic that use to work across the street from the show, stopped by with his bike!

I got on another bike by the R2-D2 mailbox…

I got "picked up" by some Certified Athletic Trainers from Georgia…Cory Oglethorp GA., Antoine, Dalton GA., Phil The Thrill Ring Gold Ga, and Marcus from Rome Ga.

All the people in line from Georgia. Jennifer Douglas Ga, Cory (with green hat) Antoine, Phil the Thrill, Tammy (her birthday is today) and daughter Ashley from Thomasville Ga., Marcus, Jody hard working truck driver from Atlanta Ga. and Jeanne from Daisy from Ga. That’s how we do it in the South…

Guest: Ethan Hawke…talked to jay about people dying on stage. He looked like he doesn’t wash his hair, but it worked for him…okay it didn’t.
Shawn and April from Charlotte North Carolina have been married for 6 days…Shawn quotes "My parents said it wouldn’t last this long". I wish them the best. Come back next year.

This incredible young lady wanted to take a picture with me. I was honored I asked if I can take a picture with her family. Kris, Barb, and Amy Jo from Lubbock Texas. Amy Jo continue to be a wonderful person, don’t listen to all the boys that must be after you… Your parents knows best… They won’t stear you wrong… God Bless.

These are sexy sisters are celebrating being forty … I hope you find Denzel I don’t think his wife is going to allow the having his baby part…but he will take a picture with you.

They liked Carlos. Over all they didn’t care for the show( I think it was the black family part during the "Jaywalking". But they have a good time wherever they go.

Guest: Carlos Mencia was very funny it’s a must see! He talked about his Mexican family. I wonder if he was related to the guy in line yesterday? Jay talked about his father and fast food. My mother always asks them to hold the mayonnaise every time we eat a taco. I can’t tell her any different.
Boyfriend showed up with a cake that said’ Happy 200th show". Thanks boyfriend!
During the break,Boyfriend said, "Oh Vicki(the Band Singer) has lost some weight, she looks great. (Take a picture it will last longer) No really, she looks good. (Oh I thought I was special but I see you just have acute case of JUNGLE FEVER!)

Just then, she messed up the words on her song! (Ha, ha) then Boyfriend says’ it was her ear piece" then the lights go off and on too bright then back to normal. There was a strang sound that came through the speaker. It was perfect timing.
Guillermo and Miguel (they keep the NBC grounds clean) stopped by! Love them!

Thanks so much for making some space in between the lines. It is so much better! Thanks Scott (head guy in charge of pages).
In the studio, I sat next to a guy who just stank. A strong scent vaporized my eyes. This guy blew his nose then stuffed the used tissue in his behind crack, like I’m not sitting next to him! The smell was like Camel Poo over easy! I was dying! Every one in line smelt it. Jody (truck driver from Atlanta) told the Page that I think this guy just ****.
By the Grace of God, stank man got up and walked out of the studio. When he passed by, he smelt like Hot Donkey! The page got someone to fill his seat. It was Adam! The guy that stank was with, got up and left the studio. I told Adam that I loved him so much. (He thought I was nuts)

Stank man came back. Adam turned to me and said " This guy ****ing stinks! I couldn’t stop laughing. After the show Stank guy was squatting by the door, pooping in his pants and smoking a cigarette. (I am laughing so hard right now. You should have been there)

A group of Jay Loving sailor’s who are going to ship off soon! Thanks for fighting for our country. Your are appreciated and I wish you save returns, and that you adjust quickly when you get back. God Speed! Weston = tongue out, Justin = glasses, David =white hat, Nate =tall, Ryan =shades.

Remember the faces of the young who fight for our rights…
LoVe Ya,