I thought nothing could get to me today Jerry Seinfeld is on the show!
In the 8AM line I started telling everyone that in my opinion that you should be in line by 1:30 like I do everyday. This woman with blonde hair and a cane and her people who look like they are the family in the "Got Milk" Commercials says " All you have to do is write in and you can be on the guest list... Or be handicap.
GloZell== Um that's not true your mail tickets will be in the same line as us.
Blonde== Trust me I was here last year and I ended up in the VIP section, So I know.
(I started thinking WWJD What Would Jay Do? I figured I'm not going to argue over something stupid at 7AM in the morning that's the Jay way)
Then the girl Blonde is with starts belting Alicia Keys and Mariah Carey songs! At 7 AM...
We all got our tickets and I saw the woman walk to her car not using her cane. She had the cane to get into the handicap section on the floor in front of the Tonight Show Band!
---------Later in line:
I direct all of Ellen's people to the Ellen Show...People are so lost...I do this every day!
Some of the lesbians that go to the Ellen show...dress like me...jeans and thick mans work shoes...
If I'm dressed like Jay Leno, does that make me a Cross Dresser? or Transvestite? Or in Drag? I don't know...I'm dressed like a man...hmmm. I look like a Tanvestbian. Oh well, it's for the Jay Bettter Stay Cause!
Maruice stopped by (on the right) and told the nice guy in line and myself about his 12 Million Dollar Production with Danny Glover and how it's progressing!Maurice didn't come to the show.
In the 8AM line I started telling everyone that in my opinion that you should be in line by 1:30 like I do everyday. This woman with blonde hair and a cane and her people who look like they are the family in the "Got Milk" Commercials says " All you have to do is write in and you can be on the guest list... Or be handicap.
GloZell== Um that's not true your mail tickets will be in the same line as us.
Blonde== Trust me I was here last year and I ended up in the VIP section, So I know.
(I started thinking WWJD What Would Jay Do? I figured I'm not going to argue over something stupid at 7AM in the morning that's the Jay way)
Then the girl Blonde is with starts belting Alicia Keys and Mariah Carey songs! At 7 AM...
We all got our tickets and I saw the woman walk to her car not using her cane. She had the cane to get into the handicap section on the floor in front of the Tonight Show Band!
---------Later in line:
I direct all of Ellen's people to the Ellen Show...People are so lost...I do this every day!
Some of the lesbians that go to the Ellen show...dress like me...jeans and thick mans work shoes...
If I'm dressed like Jay Leno, does that make me a Cross Dresser? or Transvestite? Or in Drag? I don't know...I'm dressed like a man...hmmm. I look like a Tanvestbian. Oh well, it's for the Jay Bettter Stay Cause!
Maruice stopped by (on the right) and told the nice guy in line and myself about his 12 Million Dollar Production with Danny Glover and how it's progressing!Maurice didn't come to the show.
In line Blonde is there with her party of three(with her cane)...then the girl starts singing...very loud... she can sing...I just didn't want to hear it because of Blonde...
When the Pages came out and...Blonde jumps up to talk to one Page about where her friend should park...without the cane! Ha got ya!
The Police man today had his head down and talking on the phone...(I feel very protected )
The new security guard checked my bag while on the phone!(Lord please help security at NBC Burbank...Amen) I don't know who else to talk to about it.
It was great to see Anjali and Pradeep from Atlanta Ga. They are great people I loved talking to them. I found out that Anjali cooks authentic Indian cuisine...I love Indian food!...Their sons are coming to the show in a few months! Can't wait to meet them.
Maurice talked and counted the line ... then he left
Because of Jerry Sinfeld and Evanescence being on the show the line was crazy, some nice lady was crying because she thught her family wasn't goint to make it in time...I guess if The Tonight Show really cared about how the line goes, they would have someone "who works for the show" outside by 1:30 to answere questions...
I sat next to cool young ladies who love Evanescence! Tatiana and Elin. They had the best time and after the show Jack(#1 Cameraman) gave her the sign with all the show guest name on it...that meant a lot to her.
During the show someone takes pictures...I wonder if they get the shots of Andy The on stage security guard (AkA The Hair) laughing on the stairs at the monologue...or the Hank (the Professor) Jack and Mr. Sprincles(Cue card holder) siting together on the stage during the breaks...Debbie The Executive Producer and Tracy talking on the side of the stage...Tony standing with the Secret Service Men... The writers who stand of stage during the monologue to see if their jokes were a hits... And please get a shot of Jeff B (the wardrobe guy) with Lenny the lit brush...ect...Those are the shots I want...I wonder...
2011 when the NBC building is sold seems faraway... but it's not.
Guest on the show:
Jerry Seinfeld advertising "Bee Movie"...of course he got a standing ovation...I love him...He was funny without being dumb...Jay respects Jerry and they are friends...the only other person that has been on the show and I thought was really Jay's friend was James Woods.

Evanescence...Amy Lee didn't have on shoes...(I know this little piggy was cold) I like Evanescence so I'm use to her voice and her style...it's kind of dark... The people who came to see her wasn't disappointed.

Someone gave me tickets for tomorrow ! I'm so glad I can sleep in and not be in line at 7 AM. !
I talked to my mother today who was fired from her Music teaching job by a New Principal who just wants to cause havoc...The Principal went into the hospital last week for high blood pressure...it's very dangerous because the Principal is 8 months pregnant.
I have to pray or something because I don't feel bad that she is in the hospital and that's not right...I was ...happy. I feel she deserves a little"What am I doing with my life scare".
Oh some lady named Amy Ryan was on the show...she was forgettable...

Ellen DeGeneres didn't come to Her show today...It better not be because of that dog situation! The people were told was that Ellen wanted to take a long weekend. Here's a T-Shirt.

Oh no she didn't ,that is unacceptable! People were trying to get Jay tickets... it was a mess
I met Robin and Tony who got Ellen T-shirts and was sent on their merry way. I help get them tickets to the Tonight Show but that was two out of more than 1oo people...
Ellen you can buy your hairdresser another dog! It's a dog that you didn't have for a long time. The hairdressers kids didn't get that attatched. Just buy another dog and in time the kids won't care! Oprah's dog died and she didn't cancel the show! Get it together Ellen ,you have so many fans you let down today... Jay wouldn't do that.(okay) Ellen enjoy your long weekend with your beautiful wife and get back to work...please.

First, I am sorry that your mom got fired and I hope she can get her job back. Yes, it is easy to want revenge, I have certainly felt that way. I pray over the situation and it usually gets better.
Jerry has aged huh? Not as chipper as he once was. I know we all get old but I still see that lady who played Elaine and she looks the same, so does everyone else....But he's still funny.
What is the deal with Maurice? why does he count the line? Or is that a code way of saying he is CRAZY!
Did someone cancel? Why was that second guest even on? I know she's in a new movie, but zzzzz
you got that right about ellen! I so wish she hadn't gone all nuts over this dog situation. It could've be handled so much better! Oprah doesn't call into work over stuff like this! Good grief!
I'm sure Rosie O. will put her 2 cents into the pot any minute now...
I didn't notice that Amy was performing barefoot until amlost halfway through the "Good Enough" song. She's cool. It was a good performance. I did wonder what some of the audience members who may not be familiar with the music think about the performance. She can sing well, so it's easy to enjoy her even if someone isn't familiar with the music.
The video for that song is interesting. Jerry's interview was amusing, but truthfully, I only watched to see the Jokes at the beginning (Those bathroom jokes about that politician were funny) and also the music performance so of course, fans have to sit through something that may not be interesting just to get to what they want to see.
Do they still feature the fruit cake lady? If so, which day? I don't watch every day and haven't seen her.
Melinda...Yeh...people are calling the school board on her behalf...the principa...I tell you she is nuts she hasn't been there a year and has fired so many people knowing she would be gone on maternity leave...
Jerry has gained some weight...men can let themselves go... Jerry wasn't a sex symbol...Elaine does look the same...
Marurice who loves reading this blog by the way...
He was walking by and I know every one on that block..no black people ever are walking...
I started seeing him every day then one day he had his lundry. I said hey you live around here? And he has been stopping by ever since...There aren't non of us around so he just keep cominb by... not going to the show most of the time... he says that he is a film producer...and he gives me his updates every week...(Okay) so
the counting thing...I don't know...he started counting and now he does it everytime...for hours...then leaves...
No one canceled but she should have...
Ellen must have other pressures going on..I can't believe a dog that she didn't want! Cause her to boo hoo and cancel a show!
I bet it has to be something going on at home...or the pressures of a show because she just took it to far!
Madlab Post,(Missed ya)
Amy Lee had her fans but the Tonight Show With Jay Leno is an older crowed who know/heard of more of the main stream artist.
They just sat there...
The fruit cake lady passed away...
Now their is a cookie lady who is about the same age and she passes out cookies ant sport events to the players. Majorie Johnson is her name. Sometimes she goes to the award red carpet events.
The bathroom joke was the turn around of the monologue...because Jay was just geting pity laughter till then. Those jokes turned it around.
Take care Madlab Post,
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