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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Houston we have a problem...

Dear faithful readers of GloZell's Blog and Youtube channel - GloZell is experiencing some technical difficulties. Her computer is not being cooperative. So it's headed into the repair shop, yet again.

So stay tuned, she should be back on line in a few short days. Same bat time, same bat channel.


A Friend...


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about your computer problems. I know it has to make you unhappy.
Please thank your friend for letting us know and helping you. I had been checking frequently.
We had ice over night and you'd have thought a #5 hurricane had hit. People really don't know how to drive with it and schools started late, athletics were cancelled, and people just hibernated. It's 50 now and so life will go on.
I'm down 6!

Dan Wereszynski said...

I'm staying tuned GloZell and "a friend". WISH YO ALL THE BEST!


Paria said...

I'm staying tuned!!!! Hurry back!

GloZell said...

Hey MD...

I left my phone one place... the charger another... I drug my computer through sun and snow and several states and it DIDN"T WORK at all...

ha ... but I have 16 videos to put up... I think you will like 10 of them... like oh that was funny... but some are just to show what was going on kind of thing...

man How do you live in the cold... I will go back in 4 years and not a day befor....

thanks for keeping up with me...
be careful....

LoVe Ya


GloZell said...


Thanks... I aways think " No one is going to put up with me dropping my computer... leaving my computer now... leaving my camera... losing my chord to my camera... thanks so much... I feel like I am leting you and the other 8 people who read my blog down...

I mean... I don't do much and so I got to be good at the little I do...
so thanks

My dad use to say " You would loose your head if it wasn't attatched ... little moron"... I bet I spelled moron wrong...

ha ha..

thanks Dan... we are friends for life


GloZell said...

Par Par...

I got you a news paper... I know you had one up in your room of Obama so I got it don't know if it's a good thing or just junk I know you are into news but I don't know... got to get it to ya...
