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Friday, January 02, 2009

Oh no he didn't!

(great spell check isn't working... that's just great... is it me... am I suppose to looks stupid at all accounts... oh well... it will kick in later)

Okay... I can't find my chord to connect my camera to my computer so... I know I have two... I am looking... and dying to put up pictures from Fla...

So I decided to look at my Face book and look up random people... I found out that my ex-husband is not only married but has a child...

WHAT? How dare he be happy!... I mean I was wishing him the best until I found out he is ... AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

Black men make me sick... he doesn't have the kindness to be lonely and unsuccessful with out me!!!!!!!! How low can someone be!

He is very happy and doing well in GA!...

just because I was the worst wife... told him we needed counseling... didn't want to clean... work... had no interest in birthing his children but wanted to adopt a few white kids...
White kids need love too!

(Sidetrack ... Have you seen the comercial for feed the needy? The one for 80 cents a day Maria can eat... she doesn't have food or running water... boo hoo Maria... I try to turn the channel becuase it comes on ever time I'm eating...

anyways... I was thinking that Maria has been waiting for about 20 years... that commercial has been running forever... so Maria is either grown married with her own hungry children or dead... I need them to update that commercial...)

BLOG cont'...
is not a reason to leave me in California just because he got depressed due to tragedy and I wasn't comforting.... I did sing at the funeral... does that not count for anything!

So he is married with a child... well I just do say... I have to be happy that I didn't screw the poor guy up... ha

Oh how I miss the silent dinners... the silent car rides... the silent awkward sex ... except for the time I was Oprah and he was Steve Harvey... that was interesting... I can't look at Oprah the same....we gave up trying after about a month...


Ladies... fake organisms!!!!... I didn't and he never forgave me... really... didn't want to try new things I got games... outfits... but his pride I guess... he didn't participate...

How dare my ex-husband not be miserable with out me!!!!...

that inspires me more this year to focus on what I want... ENTERTAIN People!... I looked up Cable Access websites and radio... there is a place in the Baldwin Hills Crenshaw Mall... I know that's going to be a ghetto trip... sounds fun...

My fist husband who is in the FBI... is remarried also with a child... whoo hoo...
every time my first husband moves up rank or something ... they do a background check and they call me...

Still searching in my Mansion/ hole in the wall....
My Agent called and said he want's to meet with me today... COOL?
that's all for now... if I don't find that chord... I will buy a new one...



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