This Boo-less morning... (Day 2 Without Boo)
Rithy, GloZell and Phyllis... Last night at Choza Mama
This Morning...
What you are bout to see... Is GloZell in full blown... Tonight Show Blues...look at it... LOOK AT IT!... Do you want any one else to end up like this NBC?... Well DO YOU!
Dear Jeff Zucker (BALD) HEAD OF NBC
ZUCK YOU !( Without lubrication)
How many times has Jay been late to work? ( ZERO)
How many times has Jay called in sick? (ZERO)
What more do you want from an employee ? ( Blood and First Born... Mr. Rumple Foreskin)
By getting rid of Jay ( What Fool this Mortal Be!)
You are letting everyone else know with a contract
at NBC... that no matter how good the ratings,
how much money you make for the company, how loyal you are...
You are Poo with nuts! and Bits O' Corn! Ha...
(This message was brought to you in part from GloZell and her addiction to the Best Late Night Television Show = The Tonight Show with Jay Leno(My Boo)... and All of the World!...I know because I talk to the world everyday outside NBC... The loyal fans from all over the county that NBC don't care about...)
No hard feeling Jeff... Lunch?
G--- Mom Why did you beat pecans with a hammer 3AM in the morning?
M--- Who told you?
G---(There are only two people who live in the house)... Your other daughter DeOnzell
M--- Well... I was hammering softly...
G--- Yeah okay... Do you think Barack Obama is going to win?
M--- Yes... I think he will.
G--- You don't think he is going to get assassinated?
M--- No... I think it's time for a change... I think he is just white enough that there will be no problem...
G--- That's great!
M---People are tired of the war...
G--- ( You care about the war...but you De and you are having a Pecan Hammer Battle at home)
G--- Try to crack the pecan shells a little earlier like Midnight... if you can... if you can.
M-- Okay baby... luv ya... bye
Did you see Valerie Bertinelli all up on the People Magazine?
Valerie Bertinelli has lost weight on the diet program Jenny Craig! Valerie Bertinelli has admitted to using drugs in the past...(Valery Bertinelli career was in the past)
My question is... Why does a Crackhead... need a weight loss program?(That's pretty dumb) Maybe she didn't use crack One Day At a Time? Ha ha ha
I have seen a few accidents in my day... but this Van has been rolled way to many times....
Hey Andrew from
Why did you photo shop Colin Farrell naked with a Rooster...
Wanted to see...
Colin's Cock did ya?
(you did a great job..)
I just want to let you know that I went back and saw all the pictures you posted. Thanks! So don't feel like you wasted your time, because I read your blog everyday and I was missing the picture.
I now know how all the people you were talking about look like.
So what are you going to do for a week, with the Tonight Show gone for a week?
Let's see...I am going
Nucking Futs!
I don't appreciate them not consulting me...
I am going to figure out video blogging....
Clean my car...
Visit my apartment (In the hood)
Get some cards made...
loose 5 pounds... I am a member of 24 hour fitness... haven't been for 2 years...
going tonight with Fightn' mad Mary..
I still have more pictures I have to put up from about two weeks ago..
Be the go between my mom and sister...
Queen O keeps calling...
I don't know why I give people my phone number...
Try to figure out what is better for Jay Leno... My Boo...
He has to take the best deal...
maybe Sony...
Or he might just want something more simple...
I like to think of myself as his Ghetto adviser...
He can't completely trust anyone who gets paid off of giving him advice...
since he doesn't pay me... I can give him a truthful answer...
That's all...
Is it Friday yet?
Oh well...
I do need to get a life... everyone tells me but...
I love what I do... or what I don't do...
feel free to leave a suggestion if you think of something...
I hope you come to the show to see my Boo before he goes...
Take Care!
Keep in touch...thanks for the comment!
hahaha - I love how you ramble on and on after just one question - it's what I love most about you!
Have you ever thought of doing stand up? I bet with all the people you've met, you can get a group of people to just laugh histerical at whatever you say - think about it. Open Mic nights are a great start to get your career started. Tell all thos people at the tonight show, the pages, the audience, Queen O to yell about her orgasms, Wolfman to fart next to the people who don't like you, and ofcourse all your fans.
Do it! haha
You are right... I might as well this week with Jay Leno gone (That Bastard)...
Sorry I'm just siting here resting by bones... and I'm wondering when I'm going get home...
Wait... That was Otis Redding...
You see what I go through with... out... Jay...
Tell my mom...
I love her...
Okay so I am a bit dramatic...
I am trying to figure out this stupid camera...
I have wolfman in all of his glory singing his 10 minute rendition of Natalie...( his only song)
I have to find a place that takes horrible music on VHS and put in on a Leno less blog...
other wise that... I'm just sitting on the dock of the Bay waisting time...
woo woo woo woo wawoo wawoo wo wo
LoVe ya 2
wait you have a tape of him singing??
I'm actually an expert on video - so what's your problem?
How did you record it into a VHS, do you have one of those old fashioned cameras that take VHS? That's old GloZell, old!
The only way to put VHS tape into a movie file in your computer is to transfer the tape into a DVCAM tape deck then transfer it to windows movie maker in your computer. Upload it and done!
ok, so I'm goign to assume you don't have any of these machines and you have no idea what i'm talking about. Soooooo, the best way would be to record him again using a digital camera or a camera phone (if you don't have any, i'm sure somebody in the audience does). Then they can put it in youtube, and you can link the youtube page to your site.
Hope this helps~ Questions?
A Camera Phone!
You are right the first part of your message was chinese... didn't understand what the filbade jibit you were saying...
I have to record that mess again...
I figured out my video Blog... but I don't have sound...
It is always something!
I will spend another 81/2 minutes of my life!
Thanks Fan you are Fan tastic...
Wow I amaze myself...
Camera phones have sound - at least the good ones.
Give it a try
OK Fan!
Just got back from 24 hour Hades!
I did work out...
Going to wash the cracks and crevasses as my mom says...
Take Care...
OMG you are hysterical!!! You work better under pressure.
This is some of your best writing - I am doubled over laughing.
Love ya -
Good blog! I liked the way your mom thinks! Good for her....Looking at tonight's results, I'm conflicted about whether or not I think Barack should go negative like Hillary. On one hand, people like him because he doesn't go negative, but on the other hand, he's got to be stronger against these attacks.
Well, Tina Fey and the SNL crew should be thrilled now. I know one thing, if Barack isn't the nominee, I'll be joining you in voting Republican come November.
ANyway, I liked that you gave Obama props for risking it all to make a go of it. My dad is afraid he'll get shot and even though he wants him to win, feels a bit relieved when he loses. He doesn't wanna see him killed.
The way I see it...I think of all the lynchings and people sprayed with hoses back in the day. Many died, hell, some jumped off the ships to avoid coming here. They all went through that and today I can have the freedoms that they didn't. Someone paid a price....
Thanks! I don't know what to say...
I always thought people tuned in to me because of The Tonight Show...
I am happy that my "regular" life can keep your interest...
It's like I am in several TV Shows...
The Tonight Show Stalker show...
Mom and sister driving me nuts clear across the states show...
Dating a guy who is 14 years older and white show...
The hits just keep on-a coming...
Thanks, I was feeling kind of down...
I did want to let you or anyone down... and I didn't have much to say... without the Tonight Show to feed off of...
For everything...
Wait...oh I forgot...let see... oh yeah... nope I forgot...
Take Care...
Where in the Hail have you been sister!
You better not be knocking back NyQuil!
Thanks for saying that your dad feels like he is going to get shot...
I was surprised that my sister and my mother didn't think so...
Them being in the South and all...
I was wondering If I was the only one who thought that...
I was thinking that it would happen before he got sworn in...
I'm glad that all types of people think that Barack is a good choice...
Now then... not sure if he is going to win... and I am scared for his whole family...
But when I thought of what must be going through his head... and he is still going... I know he must be getting some threats....
I'm proud of him...(Still Republican) but I would be Happy if he won!
I just want some medical insurance... good medical insurance...
Thanks for surfacing!
Take Care Melinda!
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