When Mary and I went to the castle... one of the dwarfs looked very familiar... last night I remembered the one on the left was on NBC show Passions... ( wow I use to be obsessed with that show ... surprised)
but I enjoyed pasta with tomato and vinaigrette on eggplant... food was good
singing his hit dog song....
and I got a call from a GA minister who I help get a picture with Jay last year sometime... he has some letter he wants to give to Jay and wanted to know what's the best way to get it to him... I get these kinds of calls all the time...
I don't mind... so many people talk to Jay and feel like they are good friends... Jay has that way about him... so someone else want to give Jay something... I get these calls or stopped in the street about Jay all the time... funny everyday someone asks me about the show and Jay...everyday ... still...
mostly thanks for something I did at the Tonight Show or we are coming back... can you get tickets... how am I ... I'm glad to have good news now to say " Jay is staying at NBC"
We spent three days in Houston for Jim's tests and appointments. He had his feeding tube replaced because it had come loose. We drive back yesterday.
We went to our Mexican restaurant and to the grocery store. I made several medical calls and went through mail and I sent out the reminder for the Aviation Club meeting on Saturday to the membership. We slept in LATE today.
Mom says she is not going to California so it's now, my sister, niece, and wife of nephew. But I don't know how to call you.
You have been having lots of fun. That was a neat party at FMM and at the castle. Sensed some frustration with the wait for PK...I know, you will tell me he's trying.
Glad to be home!
Glo - tried to call you two days in a row. i need your address - text it to me or call and Tom has another party for us!
I noticed that you took your photo together in front of the restrooms!!
PK sure does like the bathrooms.
my number is 310-927-3306... text is the best but leave a message...
You love your Mexican resturant...
well... PK said something interesting in the car... " I can't belive that you don't date a lot... "... I got two numbers while waiting at TGI Fridays... ha...
So with guys or with this guy... I have to put things together...
I think that somehow he thinks that I'm dare I say... cute or something to the point that I must have lot's of gentlemen callers...
I think that's what happen to R2... oh GloZell is fun... everyone likes her... I don't want to be one of many ... or something...
R2 really was into me... he did make a comment about the guys looking at me when we were at some resturant...
I try to look nice/sexy... I don't know what else to do...
PK... was nervous about going to TGIF... he said that he didn't want to have to deal with the brothers... and I think that maybe... R2 had that thought also...you know not everyone can deal with dating outside their race... don't know what men are thinking... I have only dated one white guy... don't know if I'm dating PK... and we were always in Studio City... black free city really... with his friends... no problem... never spent time in the hood... nor do I care to ...
PK is the first guy (one of two so)... who wanted to see where I live... comes over... the first time at TGIF he didn't get out of the car... the brothers in the parking lot...
He wouldn't hold my hand "Stop trying to start something"... he thinks that the brothers were going to start something... so... I am patient... I mean he is still around... and we get along... and... I don't know... I don't think that he likes me... I don't know... mean he could just come over... but he now more than before calls and " Hey you want to grab something to eat"...
I pay for like Tea and Coffee type things... Like I paied for the movies and he paied for dinner...
so it's like a friendship type of thing more so than romantic... and it takes the pressure off... me... not trying to make more of it than it is...
then mabe I will learn more about white guys... and be better prepared for whoever... PK likes the whole " black " thing so... it is what it is...
PK talked a lot about family... children... so I did also... just " What if you were married" how would your raise your kids ...
he asked if you had a teenage daughter and she wanted to have sex and you know what the Bible says what would you tell her?...
so don't know what he is thinking... in my head... this is not the guy... stop trying to make him be... no on likes him.. he is never on time... blah blah blah...
but... I think man... I can be myself...we and yes this still plays in my head WE MET AT THE TONIGHT SHOW WITH JAY LENO... I have been asked out hundreds of times.. but never went out romatic type thing why PK... Why then I get kicked out of the show...
ahhhhhhhhh... oh well.. if I just think it is what it is... then I don't care about him having roomates...the waiting...
he is ... well I'm not seeing anyone else right now... so I am open... PK and I are not boyfriend and Girlfriend so....
okay... I have talked your head off... hello?... you still there?
take care MD... thanks... sorry your mom isn't comming... hope to see you and your family... wait Jim has a feeding tube?
but he's back home so... okay... take care of him and yourself...
must be nice...
I did text you yea!... and um... PK is very clean... I think he is scrubbing his hands or something...I have no idea what goes on in there... see you tomorrow and thanks for all the great times... think EMMY EMMY EMMY...
Yeah, Jim spent a week in the hospital in Lincoln in late September and had a feeding tube put in because eating was taking too long and nonproductive. It came partially out so a new and better tube was inserted at M.D. Anderson Cancer Center this week.
We are very much looking forward to California next month. I have put your number in my book. We're not sure yet which day we'll come to the Burbank area, but will talk about it in Lincoln. Mom has a computer, but Jim's going to set it up upstairs while we're there and then I can leave comments for you.
So you haven't talked to your Mom since her recent call? Or your sister? And you are staying in California for the holidays? We don't come until 1/9-1/16, but was hoping you've had that inevitable talk with your Mom which always seems to go better in person when it's of this nature. Worst is in writing, second is over the phone, and best is in person. It has to be eating away at both of you. God hates a coward.
You've been thinking a lot about PK, but it's your Mom you should be turning your attention to now. I wouldn't worry about what to say. She's really hurting and she's your Mom and loves you more than anyone ever will and she's had a very rough year with Dee and with cancer. I don't know her, but you say wonderful things about her. She's a good person with a big heart. It won't be hard. It'll just come.
Keep having good times and I know you are looking forward to going to Jay's new show. You have every right to be there. And that's nice of Steve to work on a GG return to "The Tonight Show". You have soooo many good friends!
Glad that Jim is doing well enough to still make the trip... today is Monday and my mother called me yesterday... YEA..
Mary is going to help me get a plane ticket... thanks for asking... what is the name of the Mexican resturant you always go to... Fightn' Mad Mary is going to Huston and asked...
it must be good...
Jay's new show YES! But my time is up there... he is going to stay in the same building PERFECT but I hope they update it...
um... I was told I couldn't come back to the Tonight Show so... no visiting Conan...plus I was told I can't be on the sidewalk ( that's cold) so that's where Jay is staying... so neither show for me...
they got both covered... truly... whatever had me going to that show day after day... left... so... that feeling of I'm not by myself... kind of got use to it... but it's gone and Jay is "Staying at the Tonight Show... building"... YEA! so Jay has a least three people he needs to let go and all will be extra well!
Thanks so... what a year...
PK is trying... I'm not as into him as I was but... He is doing better... we both are...
um haven't gotten my ticket but I plan on leaving 23rd and come back on the 2nd...
Cant wait to seeeeeeeeeeeee you and the Fam....
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