In the morning line, I met the most beautiful girl named Caiti and her father Jef from Kansas City. Caiti is only 12 (and already looks like a heart breaker) I told them that you have to be 16 to get into the show. They thanked me because they didn’t waste their whole day. (See ya in a few more years Caiti)

I’m glad Caiti didn’t see Gordon Ramsay from the show "He**’s Kitchen". He cursed so much. He was funny. Gordon is a great guest and the food smelled so good. Jay always passes out the food to the people in the front row.(girls with big boobies)
Rainn Wilson from the show "Office" was funny as always. The crowd just loves him. During the breaks he would wave and blow kisses. I held a spot for Colleen and Kristin who I met yesterday because they love "The Office". I didn’t want them to wait in line two days on their vacation/celebration about Colleen being cancer free!

In line was Andrew Zuber from KNBC! He works in the NBC building and had to wait in line. He won’t have to next time. Andrew looks like he could be on the show "The Office". Nice meeting you Drew!

Wow I Markus from Hamburg Germany who looks like Tom Cruise and Craig Pratsch from San Diego who looked like Mathew McCohnahey (I’ll get right spelling later.

Boyfriend is taking me out to dinner and a show). They are great guys and nobody ever told them that’s who they look like. I couldn’t believe it. (Don’t go crazy like the real celebrities)

The musical guest Fuel was fantastic! The lead singer looks like a shorter rocky-er Joey from the show friends. I really liked them! They had a sticker that said "Fuel on Leno" on one of the amps next to the drummer. Cool.
I also met one of the owners of the world famous "The Common Italian on 8 park St. Belchertown, MA.She froze her meatballs off in the studio but is was worth it. She met Jay and won a t-shirt.

When we went to the theatre,
I found out that a show I was looking forward to, was no longer going to have one of my favorites, Carol Burnett in it. (Waugh!!!)
After the show at the Falcon Theatre, Boyfriend took me out to have my last ice cream - he promises me if I give up sugar, he'll buy me a new outfit. (Sniff, I'll miss Baskin Robins, they've been such good friends to me...) Met the Allsop's (aka Cheddar-heads) I met the guys at the Tonight Show earlier that day. Small world.
Last night Boyfriend lost something in the dumpster and he had to get it out. Instead of helping I took pictures. (He got so mad at me but I was laughing to hard to care)

Remember, The Tonight Show with Jay Leno is on Hiatus for two weeks, pray that I don’t go nuts. I will try to go see Jay do stand up this weekend. I will be blogging!
LoVe Ya,
Glad to see I made your blog! I'm sure I'll be seeing you at more tapings soon!
-Andrew Zuber
Thanks Andrew, don't forget me when you get your own show! I want to be a guest star!
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