Mom calls at 8am
Mommy == Good morning this is your mother Gloria R. Green
GloZell == Good morning. I like those tops you sent. They gather at the top andblossom out.
Mommy == I figured they would fit you. They are maternity wear. If you can't fit them you can send them back because I lost two pounds on Weight Watchers.
GloZell == Thanks. I bought some new hair.
Mommy == Great because nobody famous wears braids. You have to look like a star. Don't get one of those afro looking things your neck is to long. You know how people use to say you looked like Whoopi.
Mommy== Wel,l Jay Leno will get his package from me this week when they get back!
Make sure you look pretty and thin. I thought of a show for you it's called "The Fisherman"
Mommy == At the Carters this Friday. Lassie took two fried brims then put her plate on top of the brim plate so nobody else could get any. That's a show!
GloZell == Let me get this right. You want Jay to do a show about us eating fish every Friday at the Carters.
Mommy == It's great! Another time Aunt Mary the preacher was eating a whole plate of fish and talking about how she hates mullet. She was eating mullet! Ha ha ha. She didn't know it!
Mommy == I tell you it's a hit. Now if you just wrap yourself in plastic wrap and just walk around, you will sweat off pounds.
GloZell == Okay.
Mommy== I am so proud of you. How is Boyfriend?
GloZell == He came over onto my side and then we drove to an great Indian Place for dinner. the food was so good.
Mommy == Well, next time leave somthing on your plate. Take care. Mommy loves ya.
GloZell == Glowie loves ya too.
I then call my sister
GloZell == Hey your mom is... very creative.
DeOnzell == She is just nuts!
GloZell == I think she sent a package to Jay Leno. I think it's has clips of me doing stuff 20 years ago. And I think she sent Crystal Light(The white mans Kool-Aid) I bought a wig but it's too short. I need to get another one. But it will do for now.
DeOnzell == Your neck is too long. How is the hole you live in.
GloZell == Well I flushed the toilet and some came up the shower floor.
DeOnZell == That probably helped the smell in that place. I guess you will get tired and come back to Florida. Nothings going to happen for you in California.
GloZell === Do you remeber that song dad use to sing? "Bellview Bellview you are need to go to Bellview and your momma too. Go to Bellview and I'm not visiting you." I think he might have been talking about mom.
DeOnzell == Duh! I'm not in it. I'm the normal one.
GloZell == You think mom wants to act or somthing? She has never been in a play or even sang in the choir. But one moment on stage with Jay and she has flipped.
DeOnzell == Who cares? She only cares what you do. She dosn't love me at all. "GloZell is doing this, GloZell is doing that".
GloZell == Okay.
DeOnzell == You are doing nothing! Just talking to people at the Tonight Show. That's stupid. I got to go Miss Bellview. I'm taking a nap so don't call me back. (click)
I think I rather be called crazy then just plain MEAN!

Remember, I'ts normal to be a little crazy
LoVe Ya,
Mommy == Good morning this is your mother Gloria R. Green
GloZell == Good morning. I like those tops you sent. They gather at the top andblossom out.
Mommy == I figured they would fit you. They are maternity wear. If you can't fit them you can send them back because I lost two pounds on Weight Watchers.
GloZell == Thanks. I bought some new hair.
Mommy == Great because nobody famous wears braids. You have to look like a star. Don't get one of those afro looking things your neck is to long. You know how people use to say you looked like Whoopi.
Mommy== Wel,l Jay Leno will get his package from me this week when they get back!
Make sure you look pretty and thin. I thought of a show for you it's called "The Fisherman"
Mommy == At the Carters this Friday. Lassie took two fried brims then put her plate on top of the brim plate so nobody else could get any. That's a show!
GloZell == Let me get this right. You want Jay to do a show about us eating fish every Friday at the Carters.
Mommy == It's great! Another time Aunt Mary the preacher was eating a whole plate of fish and talking about how she hates mullet. She was eating mullet! Ha ha ha. She didn't know it!
Mommy == I tell you it's a hit. Now if you just wrap yourself in plastic wrap and just walk around, you will sweat off pounds.
GloZell == Okay.
Mommy== I am so proud of you. How is Boyfriend?
GloZell == He came over onto my side and then we drove to an great Indian Place for dinner. the food was so good.
Mommy == Well, next time leave somthing on your plate. Take care. Mommy loves ya.
GloZell == Glowie loves ya too.
I then call my sister
GloZell == Hey your mom is... very creative.
DeOnzell == She is just nuts!
GloZell == I think she sent a package to Jay Leno. I think it's has clips of me doing stuff 20 years ago. And I think she sent Crystal Light(The white mans Kool-Aid) I bought a wig but it's too short. I need to get another one. But it will do for now.
DeOnzell == Your neck is too long. How is the hole you live in.
GloZell == Well I flushed the toilet and some came up the shower floor.
DeOnZell == That probably helped the smell in that place. I guess you will get tired and come back to Florida. Nothings going to happen for you in California.
GloZell === Do you remeber that song dad use to sing? "Bellview Bellview you are need to go to Bellview and your momma too. Go to Bellview and I'm not visiting you." I think he might have been talking about mom.
DeOnzell == Duh! I'm not in it. I'm the normal one.
GloZell == You think mom wants to act or somthing? She has never been in a play or even sang in the choir. But one moment on stage with Jay and she has flipped.
DeOnzell == Who cares? She only cares what you do. She dosn't love me at all. "GloZell is doing this, GloZell is doing that".
GloZell == Okay.
DeOnzell == You are doing nothing! Just talking to people at the Tonight Show. That's stupid. I got to go Miss Bellview. I'm taking a nap so don't call me back. (click)
I think I rather be called crazy then just plain MEAN!
Remember, I'ts normal to be a little crazy
LoVe Ya,
Are you doing your blog all by yourself? I'm so proud of you!! I leave for Chicago Sunday morning. I'll tell "O" you said hi! Your new hair looks amazing!!
Hey Glo!
Check this out ~ A teacher in North Carolina private messaged me after he left a similar comment at the Jay Leno Tonight Show article I published at Associated Content online (yep, the one with you and your blog) - He asked my permission to use it in his writing/lit class! You might get a few new blog visitors?!
I would love to be added to your links list - in your immense spare time (like I have spare time too - ha ha ha - as your mom, I am a teacher, my charge is high school special needs 11th and 12th graders)
What! Chicago! Yeah Mary! Oh my goodness! Yes I am bloggin all by myself now. Yes I'm sure you will have a great time. I just can't belive how fast time flys.
That's great Fightin mad Mary! That's Great!
herstory, The links that I have Fightin' mad Mary put up. I will ask someone to link you. I haven't forgotten about you.
I need People! How you blog and have a job, and have children is amazing. It's 9.53 pm and I have just finnished my blog for today Wed aug 29th.
Thanks for telling others. I do thank you a lot. Now I have to walk to my car in the dark by myself. So I don't always get to comments but I do apreciate them so much.
Take care herstory and I will get you linked!
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