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Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Glo's Mice of Men

Just walked in... from where you ask... with " PK" !!! Yes Yes Yes....

lets' start from the beginning....

Phone rings as I'm staring at his my space page

PK --- You know that I feel like you won't let me into your world because you never invited me to your apartment...

GloZell--- You want to come to my apartment?... I don't want to go to my apartment... I'm never here if I can help it... I invited you over when I was house sitting... there is room and no gangs and helicopters...

PK --- I want to know your world...

GloZell -- My world is not where I live!... My world use to be The Tonight Show with my Boo and Church... the people I know... all of them I met them at one of those two places...

PK --- Are you embarrassed of me?

GloZell--- What? You want to come to the hood... that's what you want to do ... you want to see my mouse traps... my floor/bed... what... Forget it... You want to see my world... fine come on!

I never had a male guest over before... really no room ...but whatever... I guess he thinks I'm hiding something...

I had to go to the bathroom and while I was sitting I picked up the trash can to empty it and looked back... and there was a mouse... I dropped the trash.. and paper fell next to the rodent

OMG! NO... not tonight... and it's squeaking because my landlady put down the sticky mouse traps...

Do I let PK in?... Do I ask him to take the mouse out?... Now I don't want to stay at my place tonight and listen to Mickey squeak to his death.... ( there is a hole in the bathroom and that's how they get in... I've pluged it with towels.. whatever but...

Phone rings

PK... I'm outside
GloZell ... I... ( I don't know what to tell him) I know you think that ... I'm hiding something but... ahh ( Voice quivering... I'm going to break... who do I think I am ... I'm not in the right place to go out.. I'm a looser... what am I doing with my life... I am the moron my father called me... the Tape recorder started)

PK... What's wrong with you?...

GloZell --- (Tring not to cry) I know you are not going to believe me... but of all nights... a mouse and he is looking at me and he's stuck and I want to free him but he is stuck and he's gross but....
PK.... Look I believe you... why don't we just ride... You want me to get him?

GloZell -- No..( of course it's Kotex paper that's stuck to the trap!) Let me have the shred... and it's just a shred of piece of pride...

I get in the car... I'm thinking about the mouse who is dying... don't feel good about that... but know I shouldn't care that much about a mouse ( who am I now Michael Jackson)

PK was talking about cars so I just zoned out... blah blah blah... ( I have to get out of the hood)

It was quiet... I should'nt be here... PK should be with one of the pretty girls who leave messages on his my space.... I bet they don't deal with mice...

PK hit a bump in the road... and stretched his arm over me

Pk --- Sorry... I stopped short
GloZell -- What did you say?

PK --- I stopped short... it's from
Together --- Sienfeld! ha ha ha

PK... I have seen all the episodes and I never get tired of them...

It was if the Heavens opened ... I am going to marry this guy! Seinfeld !

We talked about Kramer, George, Elaine ,and Jerry
The best time... talked all night...
Went to a all night restaurant on the beach... ahhhhhhhhhhh..

Then " Hey Mickey" came on the radio... Oh mickey you so fine you so fine you blow my mind..
We jammed in the name of my mouse... "Hey Mickey"

(I wore a hat because Jay like hat's on women and Jay's a car guy so

at the end of the morning... we talked all night till the next day... )

PK --- You look nice... I will be dreaming of your Barrett... cute french hat....

(Thanks Jay!! I Love you Jay... you should really write a book on dating... like dating a car guy for dummy's or something)

I got a great hug... and the best kiss! Whoo to the Hoo! Yes...
Cinderella story continues...

I am going to take a nap... then... Go to the "Not Jay Leno Show"... it tapes at around 6pm


Paria said...

Sounds funtastic! I'm soo happy for you! YAY!

GloZell said...

Hey!... Thanks...
I was like Lord just a tiny break just a tiny break!..
I was holding up... then the mouse... God Specializes... and I was so happy last night... even if it's " One night only!

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh so hope to see you today sometime...
I havent been to sleep... don't want to go to sleep... I want to Siiiiiiiiiiiiiing in the streets!

can't wait to talk to you... I'm in your hood... mouse free hood...
ha ha ha... YES!

No matter what the people say!