Buck asked me to marry him... that was nice... ( Love guys from Tennessee !)
Tonight Show Biz...
The monologue was Great!... Jay just kept nailing it... (Great job mousekateers)
My sugestion is watch the Monologe ( it was FIRE!) then change the channel or get something to eat... or go to sleep....
Mo Rocco at the Republican Convention... ( something is working and something isn't working with him... but most people thought it was very funny)
Billy Bob Thornton... ( who cares!) Looked half dead... with curled " I want to fluff my balding bangs hair"...
Ethan Bortnick... I think that it's great that John McCain running mate kept her special needs child... maybe that child can learn to play the piano... just like Ethan... they look alike...
Okay... does Martin Sheen play the keyboards?... no well neither does Brian Wilson....
um... did I miss the part where he played the keyboard... ( I was engaged in conversation with a hot guy sitting next to me) so I might have missed it...
I think Brain Wilson (from the Beach Boys) couldn't' make it ... so Martina Sheen showed up... couldn't play the keyboard and thought we all were to stupid to notice! Yes that's it....
I know I know you want a video but I am going out tonight so sistah will see ya tomorrow...
watch the Republicans and tell me the highlights of the night ....
I returned the chocolate from yesterday's blog... ( ha ha ha ) I told him ... " I think it's been nestled in the bosom of some chick"... ( oh were are my cameras)
i'm glad you returned the chocolate. when i saw that, i thought "that's not vegan!!!" :)
Oh no... the cookie was Vegan... but no I didn't eat non of that... chile' I have been hiking... getting ready for... well I missed Bikini Season... but I will be ready for Coat season... yeah!
Good hearing from you... I went to a Vegan resturant last night... it was FIRE!
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